Brad Good's Favorite Squarespace Tutorials Of 2017
The Brad Good team has had quite the year with Squarespace design. To cap off 2017, the team wanted to put together an article highlighting our favorite Squarespace tutorials that we released this year with additional feedback/comments from our community!
If you have read, shared, or commented on any of our blog posts over the year, we just wanted to say that we appreciate it! There will be plenty more new tutorials coming out in the next year.
In the meantime, read on below to check out our favorite tutorials of the year, and don’t forget to drop a comment as well!
How to setup multi-language content on any Squarespace Template
Synopsis: Brad Good walks users through on how to setup English and Spanish pages on the same site, by using simple techniques that are available in any Squarespace site.
Comments & feedback from our community:
“Brad, your code worked like magic, I cannot thank you enough for this.”
“Dude, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Your instructions saved my life today (or at least 10+ hours of work). I’d honestly marry you right now.
(sorry Fede)”
“First of all, thank You for this awesome piece of code. Really helped me out a ton! It’s such a nice and clean solution. Props to you! Also from a code-newbie’s point of view, It’s amazing to see a code work for every template family instead of just one. Makes it even nicer!”
Read the full article and leave a comment with any feedback!
How to add Custom Fonts to Squarespace
Synopsis: Tired of digging through endless forums about how to set up custom fonts on your Squarespace website? Fortunately, Brad Good shows you how to set up a custom font from Google Fonts and a font you have downloaded on your computer.
Comments & feedback from our community:
“Hey Brad, thanks for this. Unfortunately I know zero about html, so I was good until Step 3 (adding a custom font). Any chance you can still help? I’m using Marquee template and trying to upload a font that I purchased to use for the page titles only. So far, I made the Custom CSS page look exactly like yours, only where you have “veneer” I have “introduction,” which is the name of the font. And of course the https:// is different. (By the way - I didn’t need to add the s to http, it was already there. My font file is an .otf file, if that changes anything). Thanks!”
“I followed your instructions and I was able to put a signature font on my Squarespace site. Yey! I am so happy right now. You are the best! I chatted with a customer support agent first before searching solutions online. The agent was not able to help me. He did not know how to do this. I thought that I was not able to find a way. I am really thankful that you have written this. You have provided very clear instructions too. Keep up the good work!”
Read the full article and leave a comment with any feedback!
Squarespace Design Hack: FAQ Accordian Menu
Synopsis: Squarespace by itself has a lot of built in features and capabilities to make your website beautiful and stand out. However, there are some “design hacks” to customize your website even further.
Brad Good team shows you simple steps on how to implement the FAQ Accordion Menu on your website.
Comments & feedback from our community:
“You rock! This is awesome. Thanks!”
“This was brilliant, and simple. Thank you! It was implemented pretty seamlessly into my site (using Basil template).”
Read the full article and leave a comment with any feedback!